News: Justin Bieber Believes God Has More In Store For Him

In recent weeks Justin Bieber has got into fights after basketball games, shut down his fan meet - and- greets, and spoken out against the coveted award shows that have honored him.
Despite all of this , the singer believes that God has something more in store for him.
“ Even when [ you’re ] planning the worst for yourself God is planning His best for you ,” Bieber posted in a message on Instagram .
The “ Purpose” singer , who is currently touring the country , will be the first to admit that he is not worthy of being deemed a role model . “ I would really suggest to people, ‘Don ’t put your faith in me’. Because I’m gonna disappoint you every time ,” the pop star previously told the Mirror . “ Yeah. It ’s scary . But I want them to know that I ’m not going to be able to solve their problems … I’ m not that higher power .”
The singer was transparent about being a flawed individual and wanted to express the dangers of people worshipping him.
“ I just want to get to a place where … I just want people to know humans aren ’t meant to be worshipped .. So when a human is being worshipped , this is dangerous ,” he said . “ It does nothing but give you pride.”

Bieber came into the public eye as a global phenomenon who was discovered on YouTube at 13 - years-old . In 2014 , Bieber was blasted in headlines for allegedly smoking marijuana, vandalising his neighbor ’s property, using racial slurs and drag racing .

He spoke to the Mirror about the source of his behavior.

“ I was rebelling against the world . I started to believe the hype and was acting a certain way ,” he said . “ I was just being a jerk . I got so involved in ‘me me me’. ”

Still , Bieber said he is leaning on God to become a better person.

“ I feel like that ’s why I have a relationship with Him, because I need it . I suck by myself,” he previously told GQ magazine. “ Like , when I ’m by myself and I feel like I have nothing to lean on ? Terrible . Terrible person .”

Although he admits to doing “ stupid ” things , the “ Sorry” singer said his actions would be worse without God .

“ If I was doing this on my own , I would constantly be doing things that are, I mean, I still am doing things that are stupid , but… It just gives me some sort of hope and something to grasp onto ,” Bieber said . “…A feeling of security, and a feeling of being wanted , and a feeling of being desired , and I feel like we can only get so much of that from a human .”


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