Billy Graham: The Bible Warns Against People Who Say 'Evil Is Good'

The Bible issues a warning against those who claim there's no such thing as evil or sin because there's no difference between right and wrong, says the Rev. Billy Graham.
In a question-and-answer column published on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's website on Friday, a person wrote to Graham saying they never feel guilty about anything they do becasue they simply "don't believe there's such a thing as right or wrong."
Graham responded that he was saddened to hear that the person did not consciously accept the belief that there is a right and a wrong.
"By believing that nothing is either right or wrong, you are putting your faith in something that simply isn't true," wrote Graham. Eventually your disregard for right and wrong will hurt both you and others. The Bible warns, 'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness,' (Isaiah 5:20)."
Graham went on to challenge the person's claim that they don't truly believe there's such a thing as right or wrong.
"I seriously doubt if you actually believe there is no such thing as right and wrong — even if you think you do. Aren't you outraged when someone abuses a child, or hates someone of another race, or deceives his or her spouse, or swindles someone in business?" Graham asked.
"Aren't you outraged when a politician takes a bribe or an athlete cheats? Of course you are — because in your heart you know these are morally wrong."
This is not the first time this year that Graham has answered questions about the nature of the existence of good and evil, right and wrong.
Earlier this month, Graham was asked whether or not talking about the devil was "a passing fad," to which the evangelist replied that he hoped "talking about the devil wasn't just a passing fad" given that "Satan is real, and he is just as much at work today as he was a few decades ago."
"While we should never make the devil the sole focus of our attention (for only Christ is worthy of that honor), we do need to be alert to his schemes and on guard against his attacks," Graham said.
"Satan's primary goal is to block God's plans in every way he possibly can. Sometimes his attacks are very open and obvious, but often he works in hidden and subtle ways, seeking to deceive people and turn them away from Christ."

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