[MUSIC] Mr. Cool ~ Yana Nan | 9jagospelblog

Mr. Cool,Yana Nan,9jagospelblog, Naija Gospel, best Nigerian gospel music, Hausa gospel music, mista cool music,  

Mr. Cool,Yana Nan,9jagospelblog, Naija Gospel, best Nigerian gospel music, Hausa gospel music, mista cool music,

Here comes a new song by Mr. Cool Titled Yana Nan, it is a song of Testimony. This is what he say; 

After a successful surgery, Jesus put a new song tag yana nan and this is the song .Since after after the surgery I (Mr cool) was unable to go back to work ,and the day I was operated was the day my school start exams, because of the surgery, I missed some papers , but all Glory to Jesus there is nothing I can give to him ......thanks godiya .yana nan every where ...let's support the dream God bless you

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