After his previously released single Good (Jesus you are so good) which has now become an anthem around the world, ROX Nation Signed Artiste Okey Sokay is set to drop another follow-up single that would definitely be on the lips of every tribe, nation and people all around the world.
“SOGI” (which is the Igbo way of saying “Only You”) is a song of thanksgiving by Okey Sokay.
Infused with melodies that’ll trigger uncontrollable emotions and lyrics that’ll leave you deeply grateful, “SOGI” is a sound that will get stuck in your heart effortlessly.
See also : Music Video : Okey Sokay ~ Alpha
In his words, Okey Sokay stated that this song was birth from a place of “looking at where I come from and where he has brought me to; The seasons where I was insulted, disregarded, laughed at; when I had to sleep on a bare floor for a period of 2 years, sleeping from one studio to the next for 4years, even when I almost had my arm and leg amputated and how I struggled to pay my fees through school. Going down the memory lane and seeing where I’m at currently I can only say THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE FOR ME”
The song which has @Timgodfreyworld as the Executive Producer was produced by @Drroysignature and Mastered by @Sokaymix.
Follow Okey Sokay on all social media platforms - @okeysokay
As I sit
To think about the things
that you've done
Where you've brought me from
And where you're leading me to daddy
I stand in awe
Of your wonderful works
You have done
So many marvelous things
So gi ne nyem ndu
(You are my life giver)
So gi na gwom oria
(You are my healer)
So gi ne dum uzo
(You alone leads me)
So gi na zoputam
( You are my saviour )
Thank you Jesus Christ
Yo yo yo
For all you've done for me
Yo yo you
My soul will sing
Halle Halle Halle
So gi ne nyem ndu
(You are my life giver)
So gi na gwom oria
(You are my healer)
So gi ne dum uzo
(You alone leads me)
So gi na zoputam
( You are my saviour )